Saturday 12 December 2015

Why I've decided to create a Nigerian Architecture blog.

Nigerian Architecture? 

I am Olajide Funminiyi by name, I graduated from the Federal University of Technology Akure where I studied Architecture. As a graduate Architect who has this urge/motivation for writing and blogging, it struck me one day when I  tried to search for "Nigerian Architecture" on Google but couldn't find any active blog that carries such a tag.

I felt disappointed and challenged myself with the task of posting an article here every day no matter how difficult it will prove to be.

Why did I search for "Nigerian Architecture" in the first place? 

  1. I want to learn about Nigerian Architecture: almost all countries have their architectural peculiarity... So is Nigeria, every year we produce many graduate Architects and these graduates after sometimes will begin to practice, but it's surprising the amount of these graduates who ddon'treally grasp the full meaning of "Nigeria Architecture", hence the need for establishing a platform to further educate ourselves. Well, in my subsequent articles, we'll surely have a lot to debate on.                                                                                
  2. I know fully well that very soon I'll need some information: yeah! Information they say is "money".  You see, practising architecture, you'll need to lay your hands on some crucial information be it - for a student - an assignment or as a practitioner in the form of enquiries about the latest prices of materials and the availability of some specialists needed to execute certain tasks/projects. In extension, if there is a workable forum which I'm gonna create, fresh graduates can easily get a link-up with practising Architects whether directly through the forum or by recommendation from a member of such forum.                                                                                                              
  3. I have an unquenchable thirst for writing  I want to write...... I want to own a blog... I want to promote Nigerian Architecture through blogging. That's all. Thanks for reading, you can always check back tomorrow for the latest article.